Sunday, August 28, 2011

244 Days

I have 244 more days until I walk down the isle. No one told me how much there was to do, decisions to make, places to go, people to meet, and contracts to sign. When I first got engaged I did the first thing every other 21st century bride did. Logged onto and set up my account. Not only was I completely overwhelmed but immediately understood why some brides decide to hire a wedding planner. The website (While helpful) is chalk full of pictures, ideas, tools, videos, budgets, vendors, among other things. I immediately got scared and closed the window. 

After about taking 3 minutes to slow my breathing down from the mini panic attack I decided to log in again and take a look around. There were many tools at hand that I could use including my favorite (and the scariest) "To do List". I clicked here and it opened up a list that made my finger sore from scrolling down to the bottom. I'm pretty sure this list had almost 200 items for me to finish by the big day."Where is the xanax?" was my first thought?

Luckily I was able to  remove some of the crazy items ("Hire your calligraphist!") and move the list down to around around 175. Ha. While going through this list I couldn't help but wonder why grooms say they don't want to help planning the wedding. I remember reading somewhere that a bride-to-be makes over 1,000 decisions before her wedding day. Tim said he wanted to have somewhat of an opinion when it came to planning, but as time has gone on, it has slowly turned it, "it's up to you". On one hand I don't mind making all of the decisions, but I would like a simple "You know,I really think we should go with the plum vs. the lilac." I know that won't happen so I sure hope that the decisions I make turn out to be the right ones. I have always had a bad habit of second guessing my decision, and I also have a very bad impulse buy problem. 

I'm hoping in the next 244 days I make that list a little smaller. As of right now it reads, "134 to do, 41 done". Oy.

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